Saturday, February 24, 2007

The end of a never-ending beginning

I decided to call this post "The end of a never-ending beginning". I've officially "started blogging" so many times before with multiple blogs, account-names, promises and crappy content. Half of those blogs are lost in the expanse of the intricate world wide web. This time I am not going to make any promises as I've done with my past "first entries". I know I suck at this but hey, I am a firm believer of "blog like there's nobody reading it" principle (which as a matter of fact is a perfectly plausible proposition to begin with in my case :P)!

I've got a really hectic month in march coming up with lots of concrete goals and deliverables at sight. I've kind of chalked out a half-cooked plan to get thro' this phase without much self-destruction. Part of that raw plan is to cut down on my Internet activity; orkut, emails, browsing for cheap deals, music and the general timepass stuff. But I hope to continue blogging. Most of it is going to be a glimpse into my life as it screws me hard; so caveat lector, there's going to be plENty of whining and moaning around :P. Well, looking at it from a broader perspective, you do get a fair idea of how students in the US are doing. So, the next time you ask, "hey dude! wazzup?? US and all huh, big guy, big money, cool life!.. ", be my guest fellas, be my guest; you're welcome to walk in my shoes :)

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