Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bless this food

Almost every culture in the world has a way of saying grace before a meal. It is a way of thanking the people and mother earth for providing us with food that sustains life. Agriculture and animal husbandry owe their origins to the first men that ever walked on the face of the earth. Over the many thousands of years we humans have perfected the art of producing food. But as with everything in the past century there is a disturbing trend of commercialization and mass production overtaking conventional wisdom handed down through countless generations. Just to get you started, here are a couple of very informative videos that basically tell you how your grain, vegetables and meat reach your plate.

Your Food - Part 1

Your Food - Part 2

There is no denial that "Money is the root of all evil". In a quest for generating more profits, the multi-million dollar corporations that control the world's most developed nation a.k.a the United States of America (this is worth a whole new blog entry all of its own) mess with some of nature's basic elements. And we as consumers, in an effort to save on a few bucks involuntarily support these organizations by patronizing. This is a problem that hits every one of us each day - You cannot remain indifferent. Hopefully the very few who stumble upon this blog that I seldom publicize would make the right choices.

1 comment:

As i see it said...

Oh man.. You too have a blog.. Nice post though.. Will see the videos and come back to you..